Recipe: Easy Vegan Pumpernickel Rye Chips

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When i lived outside Vancouver, Canada, one of our favourite long weekend trips was Seattle, Washington. We’d go down for groceries, vegan donuts, amazing vegan restaurants like Veggie Grill, and to be a bit touristy. It was so much fun to check out the tourist attractions like Pike Place Market, the Space Needle and the Sci-Fi museum. At the top of the Space Needle on our first visit, i was desperate for a snack, but the café didn’t have any vegan sandwiches, or other meals, so I checked out the snack sections and found Gardetto’s Original Recipe snack mix which is accidentally vegan. It wasn’t too long before i fell in love with the rye chips in the mix!!

Now that we live Halifax, Canada and it is harder to get to the US for quick visits, the rye chips are one of the snacks i miss the most. But there’s a bagel shop that has pumpernickel rye bagels that when toasted almost reminded me of the rye chips. So, it wasn’t too long before i decided i needed to develop a similar recipe to the seasoned Gardetto rye chips!!

It only took a couple of tests before i figured out a recipe that reminded me of Gardetto rye chips, but uses easy-to-find healthy-ish ingredients rather than the MSG and preservatives in the bagged chips!

Easy Vegan Pumpernickel Rye Chips

makes 4 snack servings

Pumpernickel rye chips in a bowl
Pumpernickel rye chips in a bowl
  • 5 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp mustard (any type)
  • 1/2 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/2 tsp spicy salt
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 1/2 tsp vegan worcestershire sauce
  • 4 pumpernickel bagels (mine come with sesame seeds on them, which is why there is sesame seeds in the pictures, but none in the ingredients)

Preheat oven to 300ºF (150ºC).
Slice pumpernickel bagels into thin (no larger than 1mm) slices. If you have any awkward corner pieces, discard them or turn them into croutons or bread crumbs. You want as evenly sliced, evenly sized pieces as you can make.
Choose a bowl large enough to toss all the bagel pieces.
Measure the olive oil into the bowl.
Add the mustard, garlic, salt, paprika, and vegan worcestershire to the oil.
Using a whisk or a fork, mix the ingredients until the mustard and seasonings are well mixed into the oil. You won’t be able to mix it all in because of the oil, but mix it in as much as you can.
Add the bagel slices to the bowl and toss for a couple minutes until all the bagel slices are completely coated in the oil seasoning mix.
Spread the coated bagel slices on two quarter-sized baking sheets or one half-sized one. Spread as evenly as possible on the baking sheet, trying to make sure the slices don’t touch.
Bake in the pre-heated oven for 20 minutes, taking out of the oven and tossing with a spatula or tongs every 5 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool completely before storing or enjoying!

My pumpernickel bagels come with sesame seeds on them, which is why there is sesame seeds in the pictures, but none in the ingredients.

Serve with mustard (my favourite), or your favourite dip like hummus, caramelized onions, or a cashew dip!

If you try this recipe, let me know what you think in the comments below.

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